Read in a namelist for each desired particle-nucleus form factor, then an empty namelist.
Each form factor is the binding of one or two particles to a specified nucleus, where the composite system is another specified nucleus.
To specify the core and composite nuclei, their partition numbers
IC1 and IC2 are required (either order), with IN
=1 for projectile
=2 for target nuclei.
The mass of the particle is the strict difference of the masses of
the core and composite nuclei, except that if IN 0, then a
relativistic correction is made for effect of the relative Q-values
on the mass of the composite nucleus, when extracting by differences
the mass of the bound fragment.
= 0 for (LN,SN) JN couplings use for typical transfers
= 1 for
(IA & IB must be given) *
= 2 for eigenstate in deformed potential (fixed SN, K, Parity) *
= 3 for
(IA & IB must be given)
= 4 for form of leg of the Dalitz-Thacker Triton
= 5 (not used)
= 6 for
with isospin
= 7 for
= 8 (not used)
= 9 for
= spin of core nucleus (state Ia if given)
= spin of composite nucleus (state IB if given)
= projection K of core nucleus (state IA)
= projection K of composite nucleus (state IB)
= isospin of core nucleus (state IA)
= isospin of composite nucleus (state IB)
and * signifies that transfers using these KINDs are not yet implemented.
NN = number of nodes (include the origin, but not infinity, so NN 0)
L = LN = angular momentum of bound cluster relative to the core
LMAX = maximum value of L in states in deformed potential,
= intrinsic spin of bound nucleon (one-particle states)
= total angular momentum (L+S) of bound cluster (KINDs 6 & 9)
= combined cluster and core intrinsic spins (KIND 7)
IA = index (within core partition) of excited state of core, or zero if to be specified later.
= vector sum LN + SN,
but for KIND=1, JN = SN + J (i.e. S in LS coupling)
and for KIND=7, JN = (i.e. L in LS coupling)
IB = index (within composite partition) of excited state of composite, or zero if to be specified later.
KRPOT = index KP' of potential with which to multiply this states' wave function for transfer interactions. If zero, use KBPOT. If the binding potential was adjusted for a specific binding energy, then this adjusted potential (not the original) is used for transfers.
BE = Binding Energy (positive for bound states, negative for continuum bins)
= 0 to vary the binding energy for fixed potential,
0 to vary the TYPE = ISC component of the potential KBPOT
by a scaling factor to give binding energy BE.
0 to vary the TYPE = ISC component of the potential KBPOT,
as above, but also to permanently rescale all the varied potential
components. This affects all later bound and scattering states using
the potential KBPOT.
ISC (default value 2)
= –2: no weighting or normalisation,
= 1, 2 : weight wave functions by
so they are real, before integrating over bin width.
= 3, 4 : weight wave functions by * (useful for resonances)
= –1, 1, 3 : normalise wave functions to unity (by usual square norm).
(This option is not recommended, for physics reasons!)
10: use additional
factor in the weighting function, with
mod(ISC,10) for above choices. Recommended for low-energy bins.
The values ISC0 give real-valued bins for single-channel states,
but not, in general, for coupled-channels bins. In that case, Fresco stores
all bound and continuum states as complex functions.
KIND=3 and 4 forward and reverse couplings are both calculated
explicitly, but not KIND=7 transfer couplings. For transfers, the
reverse couplings must be put in explicitly.
Warning: imaginary parts of bins give imaginary parts of long-range
Coulomb couplings that are ignored between abs(RMATCH) and RASYM
in the CRCWFN calculations (the values in the &Fresco namelist).
In general, ISC=2 is recommended (or ISC=4 for resonances), since then
the coupled-channels bins will be nearly real. With ISC=–2 (no phase weighting)
there will be different results because of different weighting within the
bin. Note that all channels within a bin have the same scalar
weighting factor.
IPC Print Iterations Print Final Result Print W/FFor bin states, read this table with `iterations' replaced by `intermediate phase shifts'.
0 no no no
1 no yes yes
2 no yes no
3 yes yes yes
4 yes yes no
0 : to write wave-function u(R)/R and potential overlap
V(R)u(R)/R to file number abs(NFL).
0 : to read a previously-written wave function from file number
These wave function files contain a comment line,
then (free format) NPOINTS, RSTEP, RFIRST,
followed by NPOINTS wf points in steps of RSTEP starting at r=RFIRST,
and then NPOINTS for the vertex function (potential*wf).
The file numbers NFL should be in the range 20–33 (see section 7).
If NAM = –1, then use AMPL for the mass of the bound particle,
independent of the MASSes in the &partition namelists.
(If NAM 0, then the default particle mass is the difference of
the MASSes of the projectiles (IN=1) or targets (IN=2) for partitions
IC1 and IC2).
If NAM –1, then use AMPL instead of ERANGE for the range ER of the
energies of the upper
and lower boundaries of the continuum bins, and use at leastgr
integration steps over this range.
(These ER and NK override the input values.)
One form factor with LN,SN, & JN as read in.
LMAX is not used.
IA & IB are used only if NAM & AMPL are non-zero, to specify spectroscopic amplitudes.
Coupled form factors with sum over and
SN as read in, the intrinsic spin of the bound particle.
IA giving , spin of core nucleus.
IB giving , spin of composite nucleus.
LMAX is maximum in summation.
JN is maximum S in summation.
NN & L restrict the number of radial nodes of one component wave function in the coupled set :
NN gives the number of radial nodes of the last partial wave of
angular momentum L = L input.
Coupled form factors
, with sum over
& Jn.
SN, LMAX, NN & L are as for KIND = 1 :
SN as read in, the intrinsic spin of the bound particle.
LMAX is maximum L in summation.
NN & L restrict the number of radial nodes of one component wave function in the coupled set.
IA is a core state with correct K projection quantum number.
IB is a composite state with correct K projection number,
JN is the maximum Jn in the summation.
NN is the required number of radial nodes for the component
wave function with core state IA and partial wave L = L.
LMAX is maximum L in summation.
SN as read in, the intrinsic spin of the bound particle.
All core states are included that can be coupled to form J,
using a deformed binding potential.
Note that such a deformed potential must be TYPE = 11,
whether the projectile or target is deformed: not 10 or 12 or 13.
JN is the maximum Jn in the summation (single particle )
IB gives (fixed) : spin of composite nucleus.
BE is the single-particle binding energy for core state IA.
NN NPAIRS, the number of pair-products to be summed
, minimum orbital angular momentum
, maximum orbital angular momentum
, minimum sum S
of the two nucleons' intrinsic spins
= 1.0 always).
IA, IB give core and composite states, as before.
, total angular momentum of the two-particle state
outside J
KBPOT T , total Isospin of the 2-nucleon state (0 or 1)s
(used to enforce
+ S
+ T = odd)
KRPOT KNZR, the KN index to a single-particle state
of KIND 0 or 1, giving the N-N relative motion in the
other participating nucleus (usually in the light ion).
If KNZR 0, then just the overlap
produced, suitable for zero-range two-nucleon transfer calculations.
BE EPS , the threshold percentage to define components with
square norms sufficiently small to be omitted in the final two-nucleon
If ISC 0, use Gaussian quadrature grid, in blocks of 6th-order
positions, for the N-N distance RMIN to RNN ( &Fresco namelist).
If ISC 1, use uniform grid for the N-N distances. Not so accurate.
If ISC 0, print out numerical values of resulting two-nucleon wavefunction
IPC controls the details printed (along with ISC as just above):
0 : one-line summary of U(r,R) form factor for each r.
1 : overall norm and rms radius of total NN state.
2 : contour plot of the L,
components included.
3 : contour plot of the
interaction potential
0 : to write two-nucleon wave-function U(r,R) to file
number abs(NFL).
0 : to read a previously-written wave function from file number
NFL. The values of NPAIRS,
the present
run are ignored. Thus NPAIRS can be set to zero.
The coordinates become
= distance between the two nucleons (angular spin
), and
= distance from the core to their centre of mass
(corresponding angular momentum is L
If NT(3,I) 0, then the wave functions
are further
multiplied by
(of KN3 = NT(3,I)) before coordinate transformations.
Only the radial shape of KN3 is used, not any angular momentum numbers.
If NT(1,I) = –1, then an external form factor is read in from Fortran file
number NT(2,I), and processed using the subroutine EXTERN1.
At present, this routine is written to read triton wave functions
from the Grenoble Faddeev calculations,
only reading wave functions, not the potential
wavefunction (so for e.g. stripping, only use prior interactions).
If NT(1,I) = –2, then an external form factor is read in from Fortran file
number NT(2,I), and processed using the subroutine EXTERN2.
At present, this routine is written to read 3-body wave functions
from HH calculations, reading wave functions, as well as the
potential wavefunction. The 'vrr' file format is assumed,
and the breakup (third) vertex function is ignored.
If NT(3,I) 0, then the I'th component of the pair summation is simply
the product of cluster wave functions
may be KIND = 0 or 1.
NT(4,I) is not used in this version of FRESCO.
For all KINDs, the printout also lists:
DZ = derived charge of the bound particle (always positive).
DM = derived mass of the bound particle
K = the wave number of the bound state asymptotically
NORM=overall square norm of this bound state. The wave functions of the single-particle bound states are always normalised to unity.
RMS= root-mean-square radius of this bound state
= zero-range stripping strength for transfers from this stare
= asymptotic stripping strength, as used e.g. in sub-Coulomb