RCp3 = surface radius (when multiplied by CC) of charge distribution
ACp4 = diffuseness of charge distribution
The values of AT and AP affect only the conversion from radii
to R radii in the definition of potentials in these namelists.
If however you adopt the convention that AT is the target mass number
and AP the projectile's, then FRESCO can later display the
values corresponding to given deformation lengths.
(These are for information only, and do not affect the couplings.)
An empty namelist ends reading potential parameters, as does a negative KP value in the last namelist.
0 Coulomb potential (see above)
1 SHAPE Central potential, Volume
2 SHAPE Central potential, Derivative (i.e. surface)
3 SHAPE Spin-orbit for projectile
4 SHAPE Spin-orbit for target
5 SHAPE Tr tensor force for projectile
6 SHAPE Tr tensor force for target
7 SHAPE Tensor force between L and combined projectile+target spins(e.g. n-p tensor force)
8 SHAPE Spin.spin force for target & projectile spins
9 SHAPE Effective mass: reduction from unity
10 SHAPE Deformed projectile (matrix elements from ROTOR)
11 SHAPE Deformed target (matrix elements from ROTOR)
12 SHAPE Projectile coupled by matrix elements read in.
13 SHAPE Target coupled by matrix elements read in.
14 SHAPE Projectile second-order coupled by matrix elements read in.
15 SHAPE Target second-order coupled by matrix elements read in.
16 SHAPE Target & projectile simultaneous second-order coupled by matrix elements read in.
17 Target & projectile all-order coupled by matrix elements read in.
20 NUM Super-soft N-N potl. of de Tourreil & Sprung (SSC(C))
21 NUM User-supplied N-N potential via subroutine NNPOT.
TYPE indicates type of spin tensor or excitation coupling,
IT is 1 or 3 to make this component included only iteratively,
2 or 3 to NOT subtract this component in KIND=3,4 single-particle couplings,
SHAPE indicates the radial shape of the form factor,
P1-P3 & P4-P6 are parameters for the real and imaginary parts (respectively).
P0P7 can give a further parameter.
If TYPE 0, add new potential numerically into previous potential,
and use abs(TYPE) instead. This saves space, and is useful if adding
components to be deformed by a following namelist with
The SHAPEs for volume potentials (TYPE=1, 8 & 15) are,
with R = P2 * CC, RH = (r - R)/P3, and E = exp(-(r-R)/P3),
(replacing (P1,P2,P3) by (P4,P5,P6) throughout for the imaginary parts)
0: Woods-Saxon = - P1 / (1 + 1/E)
1: WS squared = - P1 / (1 + 1/E).
2: Gaussian = - P1 * exp(-RH.)
3: Yukawa = - P1 * E / r
4: Exponential = - P1 * E
5: Reid soft core for =0, central part
6: Reid soft core for =1, central part
7: Read Real
8: Read Imaginary
9: Read Complex
–1: Fourier-Bessel = (RH) =
For `SHAPE's 7-9, immediately read in free format from from Input File 4, or from datafile if specified:
First a comment line,
then (free format) NPOINTS, RSTEP, RFIRST,
followed by NPOINTS potential points for the shape in steps of RSTEP starting at r=RFIRST.
Rescale the real part by P1, the imaginary part by P2,
and use radius = P3 * CC for subsequent deformation calculations.
If SHAPE = -7, -8, or -9, rewind file 4 before reading from it.
The SHAPEs for surface potentials (TYPE=2), with R, RH and E as before, are the first derivative forms (normalised to –1 when E=1, if reasonable):
0 : Woods-Saxon = - P1 * 4 * E / (1+E)
1 : WS squared = - P1 * 8 * E*E / (1+E)
2 : Gaussian = - P1 * 2 * exp(-RH*RH) * RH
3 : Yukawa = - P1 * E * (1 + r/P3) / (r*r)
4 : Exponential = - P1 * E
5 : Reid soft core for =0, spin-orbit part
6 : Reid soft core for =1, spin-orbit part
7,8,9 : Read from external file, as above.
The SHAPEs for spin-orbit potentials (TYPE=3 or 4) are the following surface
where CONLS =
= 2.000.
0 : Woods-Saxon = – CONLS * P1 * E / [(1+E) * P3 * r]
1 : WS squared = – CONLS * P1 * E*E / (1+E) / (2*r*P3)
2 : Gaussian = – CONLS * P1 * exp(-RH*RH) * RH / (2*r*P3)
3 : Yukawa = – CONLS * P1 * E * (1 + r/P3) / (4*r*P3)
4 : Exponential = – CONLS * P1 * E / (4*r*P3)
5 : Reid soft core for =0, spin-orbit part
6 : Reid soft core for =1, spin-orbit part
7,8,9 : Read from external file, as above.
To become interaction potentials,
these form factors will be multiplied by
, where
= spin of projectile or target
in each of its ground state and excited levels. There is no option here for
state-dependent spin-orbit forces.
The SHAPEs for tensor potentials (TYPE=5, 6 & 7), with R, RH and E as before, are the second derivative forms (normalised to unity when E=1, if reasonable):
0 : Woods-Saxon = P1 * 8 * E*(E-1) / (1+E)
1 : WS squared = P1 * 4 * E*E / (1+E)
2 : Gaussian = P1 * 2 * exp(-RH*RH) * RH
3 : Yukawa = P1 * E * (1/P3. + 2/r
.) / r
4 : Exponential = P1 * E
5 : Reid soft core, 12 * tensor part
6 : Vol Gaussian = 12 * P1 * exp(-RH*RH)
7,8,9 : Read from external file, as above.
If SHAPE 30, then use SHAPE-30, and define a
- or
-dependent potential by a factor defined
so that the potential is multiplied by a form factor depending LSHAPE as
=0 : Woods-Saxon = 1 / (1 + 1/E),
=1 : WS squared = 1 / (1 + 1/E)
=2 : Gaussian = exp(-RH),
where X=L (for JL=`L'), X=J (JL=`J'),
RH = (X-XLVARY)/ALVARY, and E=exp(-RH).
If SHAPE 10 and
19, then use SHAPE-10, and write out the
resulting potential to Output file 25 in FORMAT(6E12.4):
a form suitable for subsequent reading by a SHAPE
If SHAPE 20 and
30, then a
potential is defined.
For each subsequent coupled-channels set with total angular momentum
, a form factor is read into this potential from
Input file # SHAPE, reading M = RMATCH/HCM+1 complex numbers
in FORMAT(6E12.4) from the
file as a random-access, with (M-1)/3+1 lines for each form factor.
For each CC set, form factor number
(for SHAPE
24) or
1/2 for +/- parity (for SHAPE
24) is read.
If SHAPE = 40, then a -dependent potential is defined:
use KP = P1 for + parity CC sets, and P2 for – parity.
If SHAPE = 41, then a -dependent potential is defined:
use KP = P(
+1) for L=0–5, and P0 for L
If SHAPE = 42, then a -dependent potential is defined:
use KP = P(Ji+1) for Ji=0–5, and P0 for Ji
6, with Ji = int(
There need only be one &pot namelist for 40 SHAPE
43. The values of TYPE
and P2-P7 are ignored. No files are used. Choices are listed in fort.48
Nucleon - nucleon Potentials
The SHAPEs for the nucleon-nucleon SSC (C) potential (TYPE = 8) are
taken from the subroutine SSCC in FRESCO.
The input NUM is the number of angular momentum components stored,
using the order
, and
Note that TYPEs 8 & 9 can only be used in KIND = 1 (-coupled)
single-particle states.
The SHAPEs for the user's nucleon-nucleon potential (TYPE = 9) are taken from the subroutine NNPOT, with NUM the same meaning as above.
The SHAPEs for deformed potentials (TYPE 10) are constructed either
by reading external forms (SHAPE = 7, 8 or 9) for each P(k) non-zero
(the input k-form being multiplied by P(k)),
or (for SHAPE
10) by deforming the potential on the
immediately preceding input namelist.
This preceding namelist must be of TYPE=0 for Coulomb deformations,
or TYPE = 1 or 2 for nuclear deformations: deformation of non-central
forces is not yet implemented.
For Nuclear deformations P(k) = DEF(k), the deformation lengths (in fm.). (P0 = DEF(0) for inelastic monopoles.)
For Coulomb deformations P(k) = Mn(Ek), the intrinsic reduced matrix elements
in units of (P0 gives Mn(0) for inelastic monopoles).
These intrinsic matrix elements Mn(Ek) use
the reduced matrix elements
given by the
definitions of Alder & Winther (not by those of Brink & Satchler),
by assuming a rotational model where
is a good quantum number:
(2) |
(3) |
TYPES 12 & 13, for detailed and model-independent specifications,
directly use the reduced matrix element
(4) | |||
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
So Mn(Ek) is the square root of
with some sign
bands. Mn(Ek) always has the same sign as
In Other Cases, Do Not Assume That All Transitions Have The Same M(Ek) Values.
Thus Mn(Ek) Are The Same For All Pure Rotor Transitions, In Contrast To
In order to guide the user here,
effective values are calculated from the given Mn(Ek) or M(Ek), for
each possible transition.
From version FRV onward, Mn(Ek) is used in place of M(Ek) for TYPE
10 & 11 potentials.
For each k used here, P(k) must have been non-zero,
and the required coupling has the same form factor but with relative strength
STR / P(k). That is, STR is the reduced matrix element
= M(Ek, IA
for Coulomb transitions (NOT Mn(Ek)),
and is the `reduced deformation length'
RDEF(k) for nuclear transitions.
This `reduced deformation length' in the rotational model is
(8) | |||
(9) |
The SHAPEs for deformed potentials (TYPE=10 to 13) are constructed by:
= 0 to 6 : not used
= 7,8,9 : Read from external file, as above for TYPE=1.
The multipoles are then multiplied by P(k) (by 1.0 for k=0), and
should end up as scaled to replace the form factors calculated
= 10 : Coulomb multipoles have the usual simple form for a
deformed charged sphere to produce M(Ek) = P(k),
varying at large distances as
(10) |
(11) |
For TYPEs 14–17, &step namelists are again read to determine the details of the
required couplings between each pair of excited states
and of the reorientation terms for each individual state.
Only nuclear couplings are yet implemented.
Specify values IB,I A, k, STR
to put in a coupling to state IB from state IA,
of multipolarity k
and strength STR. For TYPEs=14–17, the IB and IA
can reference any combination of projectile and target states,
but k
0 for projectile and k
0 for target states.
STR refers to the RDEF(k) measure above;
the factor
must be included.
For TYPE=17, couplings, to all orders in RDEF, are calculated between all pairs of projectile and target states using the matrix eigensolution method of Kermode and Rowley, Phys. Rev. C48 (1993) 2326. The SHAPE and P0-P6 parameters on the TYPE=17 &pot namelist are not used.