
&PARTITION and &STATES namelists

The &PARTITION namelists are repeated until an empty &PARTITION namelist is read in. After each non-empty (NEX $>0$) &PARTITION, NEX instances of the &STATES namelist are required.

&PARTITION namelist

NAMEP = name of projectile-like nuclide (string 8 characters max),
MASSP = mass of projectile (in units of UNITMASS),
ZP = charge of nuclide,
NAMET, MASST, ZT = equivalent properties of target-like nuclide.

abs(NEX) = number of excited-state pairs in this partition.
If NEX $<$ 0, then cross sections for this partition are not printed
QVAL = $Q$-value (in MeV) of this partition for Ep+Et=0.0. Only differences in $Q$-values between partitions are significant.
PWF = use asymptotic piecewise methods in this partition (default is True).

READSTATES = read in specification of the NEX states from file number READSTATES.
PRMAX = maximum radius in this partition. Useful for R-matrix calculations, but redefines what `local' interactions mean.
LPMAX = maximum partial wave $L$ in this partition if the incident lab energy is below ELPMAX (given in the &Fresco namelist). Default=$-1$ (no limit),

governs the couplings that are generated (in this partition) between levels that have different KP potential indices. It does not affect any couplings when the KP index values are identical.

$\leq$ 0: no couplings (default)
= 1: couplings only to or from the first state in that partition
= 2: couplings only according to the KP value of the destination level
= 3: all couplings produced by either KP value.

&STATES namelists

Repeated IA = 1,..,NEX times before the next &PARTITION:

Jp, COPYp, BANDp , Ep, KKp, Tp,   Jt, COPYt, BANDt , Et, KKt, Tt
For both projectile (p) and target (t), the following are read:

J = spin of the state (Jp and Jt, and similarly below).

BAND $>$ 0 for positive parity state, and $<$ 0 for negative parity. The value of BAND defines the rotational band : all states of the same BAND may be coupled by rotational mechanisms. Odd multipoles couple BAND values of opposite sign.

If COPY is positive, then this level is a copy of a previous level number (COPY $<$ IA) in the same partition.

If COPYp $<$ 0, then this level is an exchange copy of the same IA numbered level in the previous partition abs(COPY). That is, a copy with projectile and target nuclei exchanged.

If COPYt = -IC, then the target state is an exchanged projectile. If that state has spin zero, then only even partial waves are allowed.

COPYs are needed to define identical states of one nucleus in different pairings IA. Spectroscopic amplitudes (in &cfp namelists) should be defined for only the original `copied' level.

E = excitation energy of state relative to ground state.

KK = K of rotation band containing this state. (If zero, use spin of first level in this band.)

T = isospin of this state (if zero, use INT((mass-2*charge)/2))

KP = index of optical potential for this pair of excited states. If zero, use as default KP = IC, the number of this partition.

If FEXCH = T calculate and write out all cross sections and amplitudes for $180-\theta$.

If IGNORE = T, ignore the convergence of this state pair (see IPS discussion above).

If INFAM $\ne$ 0, read in complex amplitudes later to add to calculated scattering amplitudes
$<$ 0, read in only one amplitude (non spin-flip) for each scattering angle, with others zero.

If OUTFAM $\ne$ 0, write out complex amplitudes later to add to calculated scattering amplitudes.
$<$ 0: write out only one amplitude for each angle, namely the average of diagonal amplitudes.

The output files are suitable to be reread later as input file