The coupling is from all the states in partition ICFROM to all the states in partition ICTO.
Couplings in the reverse direction are also included unless ICTO 0, except for KINDs 1 & 2 where finer control is allowed.
= 1 : general spin transfer for projectile/transfer couplings
= 2 : electromagnetic one-photon couplings
= 3 : single-particle excitation of the projectile
= 4 : single-particle excitation of the target
= 5 : zero-range or LEA transfer with strength P1 and finite range radius P2 (in fm.)
= 6 : LEA transfer using . & from bound states
= 7 : finite-range transfer
= 8 : non-orthogonality correction to a KIND 5,6,7 transfer
= 9 : general partial-wave couplings
= 10 : (spare)
= 11 : Projectile-valence non-orthogonality
= 12 : Target-valence non-orthogonality (not implemented)
After &coupling namelists for KINDs 2,3,4,5,6,7 (& 8 if IP20), spectroscopic amplitudes are read in by means of &cfp namelists. These coupling types are those for which ICTO & ICFROM are different, one being a core partition and the other a composite nucleus. One table is used for all the amplitudes: it is indexed (besides the partition numbers) by IN,IB,IA & KN (see glossary), and stores a real number A.
The table is filled cumulatively, starting perhaps with &overlap namelists, so amplitudes need only be entered after the namelist for the first KIND of coupling in which they appear. (So if all the amplitudes are already entered for a certain KIND of coupling, then the following namelist will be blank, to indicate no more &cfp namelists are to be read).
= 0 : local form factor
1 : non-local (two-dimensional) form factor
= 0 : read in real values (only if IP3 0)
1 : read in imaginary values (only if IP3 0)
2 : read in complex values (only if IP3 0)
= 3 : read data from JLM folding program jlmP, for projectile couplings only
2 : read data from JLM folding program jlmP, for target couplings only
1 : read data from charge exchange program CHEX2, with appropriate scaling.
0 : no jlmP or CHEX2 scaling factors, only P1, P2 and FSCALE
–1 : write out typical non-local grid coordinates
–2 : calculate non-local grid coordinates,
and call subroutine FFNL to calculate form factor.
–3 : calculate non-local grid coordinates,
call subroutine FNLSET to calculate an initial form factor, and the call
FNLCC for each pair of coupled partial waves, for L-dependent factors.
–4 : call subroutine FNLREAD to read in non-local form factor, and multiplying it by the Racah-algebra factor
in section 8 (except for the factor) for given IB,IA final and initial excited states.
The order of form factors in the file must agree with the order called by a double loop of channels, with the `to' channel number varying more rapidly.
–5 : call subroutine FNLREAD to read in non-local form factor for given IB,IA final and initial excited states.
The order of form factors in the file must agree with the order called by a double loop of channels, with the `to' channel number varying more rapidly.
P1,P2 : scaling for the real and imaginary parts (respectively).
If IP3 0, read FROM FILE `INFILE' the following lines (until a blank line):
Format 16.2: I4, 3F8.4, I4, 2F4.0, 2I4, A35 NP ,HNP,RFS,FSCALE, LTR, PTR,TTR, IB,IA, COMMENT for NP = number of radial points HNP = step size RFS = radius of first point FSCALE = scaling factor to be applied LTR = L-transfer PTR = projectile spin transfer TTR = target spin transfer IB = excited-state pair fed by coupling IA = excited-state pair feeding the coupling COMMENT = comment for display in printout.then free format, repeatedly until sufficient data is read.
If IP1 =
0, read local form factor from i=1 to N
1, read successively for j=1,NLO the non-local form factors
FNL(i,j), i=1 to NP [NLO = RNL / max(HNL,HCM)]
When IP3=1 for CHEX2 input, the RFS and its F8.4 is omitted from Card 16.2, with default value RFS=HNP.
ICTO is the gamma partition and ICFROM the particle partition. The photon must be on the `projectile' side, and the bound state between target states.
IP1 = : The multipolarity of the radiation. If 0, include all multipoles 1,..., permitted by parity, whereas if IP1 0, include only the multipole = abs(IP1).
= 0,4 : Calculates both electric and magnetic couplings
(reads -factors from P1&P2)
1,5 : for electric only
2 : for magnetic only (reads -factors from P1&P2)
4,5 : include also Siegert remnant for electric transitions
IP3: not implemented yet
P1 = projectile -factor
P2 = target -factor
= 0 : direct capture only
1 : semi-direct capture only
2 : direct + semi-direct capture mechanisms.
For these KINDs, ICTO is the partition of the nuclei being excited, and ICFROM is used to indicate the core partition if the single particle were removed. No couplings are generated to or from the ICFROM partition, only within ICTO partition.
IP1 = Q : The multipole order of the deforming potential due to the colliding nucleus. If Q 0, include all multipoles 0,1,...,Q permitted by parity, whereas if IP1 0, include only the multipole Q = abs(IP1).
= 0 : Coulomb & nuclear (complex)
= 1 : nuclear (complex) only
= 2 : Coulomb only
= 0 or 10 : include all re-orientation terms
= 1 or 11 : no re-orientation terms for
= 2 or 12 : ONLY re-orientation terms
= 3 or 13 : include only couplings to and from the ground state,
but NOT gs reorientation,
= 4 or 14 : include diagonal couplings,
and couplings to and from the ground state
= 5 or 15 : include diagonal couplings,
and couplings to and from any bound state
10 : read namelist &scale for
complex factors [QSCALE(Q), Q=max(0,-IP1):abs(IP1)]
to scale the folded form factors for multipoles Q.
IP4 = , the max deformed core potential multipole
IP5 =
, the new multipole order for formfactor reduction.
For these core-excitation (XCDCC) options, the code needs to be compiled with the -Dcorex option.
P1 = FLOAT( potential KP index for fragment - target interaction)
P2 = FLOAT( potential KP index for core - target interaction)
(only SCALAR parts of the potentials P1 and P2 are used).
IP1 and IP2 not used.
For KIND=5,
P1 = - ZR coupling constant
P2 = FNRNG - Effective finite-range parameter for use
in LEA (in units of fm.)
For KIND=6, use and FNRNG = . from the projectile bound states. With unbound states, or if IP3 = 1, use from state, but FNRNG = P2 from this namelist.
In both KINDs, read in &cfp namelists, noting that for KIND = 5 spectroscopic factors for the projectile are not needed, and are ignored.
Users of these interactions kinds should also pay attention to the the parameter INH in the &Fresco namelist.
IP1 =
0,-2 : POST interaction
1,-1 : PRIOR interaction
(N.B. meaning of IP1 thus depends on ICTO & ICFROM!!!)
-1 : Use quadrature from down to .
(Useful for finite-range knock-on with light projectiles)
-3 : VCORE interaction:
Use ONLY the core-core interaction potential
(Useful for finite-range knock-on with light projectiles)
2 : Surface transfer operator, on surface if final bound state P1. IP2 and IP3 ignored.
3 : Surface transfer operator, on surface if initial bound state P1. (Not yet implemented)
4 : Surface transfer operator calculated as PRIOR–POST. Need also to set RSMAX for final bound state to the desired surface radius.
(Implemented, but not yet correctly).
5 : Surface transfer operator calculated as POST–PRIOR. Need also to set RSMAX for initial bound state to the desired surface radius.
(Not yet implemented).
IP2 =
0 : no remnant
1 : full real remnant
-1 : full complex remnant
2 : “non-orthogonality remnant" - this works by inserting
a KIND = 8 coupling namelist after this coupling, before any subsequent
This is does not affect the one-step amplitudes, and is only useful
if another transfer step follows this coupling.
IP3 = KPCORE : the number KP of the potential to use between the two cores, in the remnant part of the interaction potential.
If IP3=0, use as KPCORE the optical potential given for the first pair of excited states in the partition of projectile core. (this uses the observation that optical potentials tend to depend more on the projectile than the target, and must clearly be re-examined if the projectile is heavier than the target.)
P1,P2 : not used.
IP1 =
0 : post
1 : prior
(N.B. IP1 should be the same as the previous interaction!)
0 : read in spectroscopic factors as &cfp namelists
(Only useful if you did NOT have a previous KIND 5, 6 or s7
interaction, which would have needed the amplitudes then.)
= 0 : no &cfp namelists to read.
Note that you should either use KIND=7, IP2=2, or use KIND=7, IP2=1 and a KIND=8. If you have KIND=7, IP2=2 and a KIND=8 namelist, then this is double counting.
= 0 : local form factor
1 : non-local (two-dimensional) form factor
= 0 : read in real values
1 : read in imaginary values
2 : read in complex values
P1,P2 : scaling for the real and imaginary parts (respectively).
For IP1=0 (local), read from file `INFILE' the following lines (until a blank line):
Line (free format) NP, sHNP, RFS for NP = number of radial points HNP = step size RFS = radius of first pointFor IP1=1 (nonlocal), read from file `INFILE' the following lines (until a blank line):
Line (free format) NLLI, RINTPI, NLOI, HNLI, NLCI for NLLI = number of radial points in R RINTPI = step size in R NLOI = number of radial points in D=R'-R HNLI= step size in D NLCI=offset index for D=0
Lines: F8.1,I4, 2I4,f6.1, 2I4,F6.1 L2 JTOTAL,PARITY, IB,LVAL1,JVAL1,IA,LVAL2,JVAL2,REVeach with following potential data of Cards 16.6 or 16.7. These are the couplings from partial wave to (LVAL1,JVAL1) for excited state pair IB from partial wave (LVAL2,JVAL2) for excited state pair IA, in coupled channels set JTOTAL of parity PARITY (+1 or –1). The reverse coupling is also included if REV is true.
If IB or IA is zero, match any state. If JVALi 0, then match any JVALi. If PARITY=0, match any parity. If JTOTAL0, match any JTOTAL. If LVALi 0, then match any LVALi. If LVAL1=LVAL20, then require partial wave coupling to be diagonal for equal LVAL=–LVALi-1.
For IP1=0 (local),
read (free format) NP values
For IP1=1 (nonlocal), read NLLI loops of:
read NLOI values (free format).
Go back to reading the above input files (though subsequent values in those files are ignored).
ICTO, ICFROM are the two partitions with and as projectiles (either order).
IP1 = ICORE is the partition in which the target is the bare core .
Spectroscopic amplitudes need to have been defined for and . NO amplitudes in &cfp namelists are to be read in after this coupling.
The reverse case (KIND=12), where the projectile is composite rather than the target, is not yet implemented.
If the form factor KN mixes different IA levels, then the spectroscopic amplitudes should rather be specified in an &overlap namelist.
N.B. The amplitudes A are signed, and are NOT the spectroscopic
factors, but will typically be the square roots of these factors.
For transfers out of or into closed shells of N antisymmetrised nucleons,
the spectroscopic factors will usually contain factors of N,
so the spectroscopic amplitudes needed by FRESCOX will typically
need to already contain factors of .
The sign of A should be consistent with the spin coupling order used in
the program, which is
(12) |