These are specified by including FORTRAN functions for:
NN interaction: VC(L,R), VLS(L,R), VT(L,R), VLL(L,R)
where VLS is the
NC interaction: UC(L,R), ULS(L,R), ULSC(L,R), ULL(L,R), UT(L,R)
where ULS is the neutron spin-orbit
and ULSC the core spin-orbit
VT and UT are tensor potentials using spins
and do not change the core state
When any
, the central interaction UC(L,R) is deformed
by all the non-zero
according to
If all the JTARG values are zero, then the quadropole deformation length is used to construct a form factor for monopole excitation couplings.
NC interaction outside RINNER: UUC(L,R), UULS(L,R) replace UC and ULS.
Three-body interaction: V3B(RHO,...), U3B(RHO,...) for NN and NC partitions respectively.