8Li+208Pb quasielastic NAMELIST &FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=100 rintp=0.5 hnl=0.033 rnl=3.00 centre=0.00 jtmax=100 absend=0.001 dry=F jump(1:6:1)=0 0 0 0 0 0 jbord(1:6)=0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 thmin=2.00 thmax=-180.00 thinc=2.00 ips=0.01 iblock=2 pralpha=F pade=1 nnu=24 chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 pel=1 exl=1 lab=1 lin=1 lex=1 elab=34.404 nlab(1:3)=0 0 0 fatal=F nosol=F psiren=T unitmass=1.000 finec=137.03599d0 / &PARTITION namep='Li-8' massp=8 zp=3 namet='Pb-208' masst=207.977 zt=82 qval=0.0000 pwf=T nex=2 / &STATES jp=2.0 bandp=1 ep=0.000 kkp=1 cpot=1 jt=0.0 bandt=1 et=0.000 fexch=F / &STATES jp=1.0 bandp=1 ep=0.981 kkp=1 cpot=1 jt=0.0 copyt=1 bandt=1 et=0.000 fexch=F / &partition / &POT kp=1 itt=F ap=8 at=208 rc=1.200 / &POT kp=1 type=12 shape=10 itt=F p1=0.000 p2=10. p3=0.000 p4=0.000 p5=0.000 p6=0.000 / &STEP ib=2 ia=1 k=2 str=12.24 / &STEP ib=1 ia=2 k=2 str=12.24 / &STEP ib=1 ia=1 k=2 str=-5.976 / &STEP ib=2 ia=2 k=2 str=5.477 / &step / &POT kp=1 type=1 itt=F p1=60 p2=1.3 p3=0.65 p4=150 p5=1.3 p6=0.60 / &POT kp=1 type=12 shape=10 itt=F p1=0.000 p2=1.75 p3=0.000 p4=0.000 p5=0.000 p6=0.000 / &STEP ib=2 ia=1 k=2 str=2.1433 / &STEP ib=1 ia=2 k=2 str=2.1433 / &STEP ib=1 ia=1 k=2 str=-1.0458 / &STEP ib=2 ia=2 k=2 str=0.9585 / &step / &pot / &overlap / &coupling / Output code for fresco input written by xfresco v.1.0 at Mon Sep 23 16:03:22 2002
Alternatively, we can define a &coupling/ namelist with kind=1 (excitations of projectile):
\&COUPLING icto=1 icfrom=1 kind=1 ip1=8 /
Here, icto=icfrom indicates the partition where excitations are defined. Then, a &inel/ namelist is included for each coupling. For instance,
&INEL ib=2 ia=1 k=2 no=2 kp=1 a=12.24 /indicates that state ia=1 (i.e., the g.s.) is coupled to state ib=2 (the excited state) with multipolarity k=2. The coupling will be generated using the component no=2 of potential kp=1 (which corresponds to a deformed coulomb potential). Note that this amplitude a is to be multiplied to the value of p(k) in the deformed potential. The product of both quantities is supposed to give the reduced matrix element (for Coulomb couplings) or (for nuclear couplings)
8Li+208Pb quasielastic NAMELIST &FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=100 rintp=0.5 hnl=0.033 rnl=3.00 centre=0.00 jtmax=100 absend=0.001 dry=F jump(1:6:1)=0 0 0 0 0 0 jbord(1:6)=0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 thmin=2.00 thmax=-180.00 thinc=2.00 ips=0.01 iblock=2 pralpha=F pade=1 nnu=24 chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 pel=1 exl=1 lab=1 lin=1 lex=1 elab=34.404 nlab(1:3)=0 0 0 fatal=F nosol=F psiren=F unitmass=1.000 finec=137.03599d0 / &PARTITION namep='Li-8' massp=8 zp=3 namet='Pb-208' masst=207.977 zt=82 qval=0.0000 pwf=T nex=2 / &STATES jp=2.0 bandp=1 ep=0.000 kkp=1 cpot=1 jt=0.0 bandt=1 et=0.000 fexch=F / &STATES jp=1.0 bandp=1 ep=0.981 kkp=1 cpot=1 jt=0.0 copyt=1 bandt=1 et=0.000 fexch=F / &partition / &POT kp=1 itt=F ap=8 at=208 rc=1.200 / &POT kp=1 type=12 shape=10 itt=F p2=1 / &step / &POT kp=1 type=1 itt=F p1=60 p2=1.3 p3=0.65 p4=150 p5=1.3 p6=0.60 / &POT kp=1 type=12 shape=10 itt=F p2=1 / &step / &POT kp=2 itt=F ap=8 at=208 rc=1.200 / &POT kp=2 type=1 itt=F p1=60 p2=1.3 p3=0.65 p4=150 p5=1.3 p6=0.60 / &POT kp=2 type=12 shape=10 itt=F p2=1 / &step / &pot / &overlap / &COUPLING icto=1 icfrom=1 kind=1 ip1=8 / &INEL ib=2 ia=1 k=2 no=2 kp=1 a=12.24 / &INEL ib=1 ia=2 k=2 no=2 kp=1 a=12.24 / &INEL ib=1 ia=1 k=2 no=2 kp=1 a=-5.976 / &INEL ib=2 ia=2 k=2 no=2 kp=1 a=5.477 / &INEL ib=2 ia=1 k=2 no=3 kp=2 a=2.1433 / &INEL ib=1 ia=2 k=2 no=3 kp=2 a=2.1433 / &INEL ib=1 ia=1 k=2 no=3 kp=2 a=-1.0458 / &INEL ib=2 ia=2 k=2 no=3 kp=2 a=0.9585 / &INEL/ &coupling / Output code for fresco input written by xfresco v.1.0 at Mon Sep 23 16:16:16 2002