Test run: a CCBA calculation

The following test case calculates the inelastic and transfer cross sections for the reactions induced by $^{19}$F on $^{28}$Si at 60.0 MeV. A Triton-Oxygen cluster structure is assumed for $^{19}$F, with the potentials for the triton and the oxygen core being folded together to give a diagonal Watanabe potential for elastic $^{19}$F scattering as well as the couplings to the inelastic 1/2+ state. These elastic and inelastic channels are coupled together to all orders, then a finite-range transfer step is calculated for the $^{16}$O + $^{31}$P channel, thus performing a CCBA calculation.

Test run: CCBA calculation 28Si(19F,16O) 31P, cluster form factors.
 hcm=.10 rmatch=25 rintp=0.50  hnl=0.100  rnl=3.
 jtmin=0. jtmax=80 absend=.01 kqmax=1  thmin=0. thmax=60.0  thinc=2.5
 iter=1   iblock=2 nnu=30 chans=1  listcc=2 smats=1 elab=60.0
   namep='19-F' massp=19. zp=9 nex=2 namet='28-SI' masst=28 zt=14 /
 &states Jp=0.5   Bandp=+1 Ep=0.0  cpot=1          Jt=0.0   bandt=+1 Et=0.0 /
 &states Jp=2.5   Bandp=+1 Ep=0.2 /

   namep='16-O' massp=16. zp=8 nex=1  namet='31-P' masst=31 zt=15 qval=6.199/
 &states Jp=0.0   Bandp=+1 Ep=0.0  cpot=2          Jt=0.5   bandt=+1 Et=0.0 /
 &partition /

 &pot kp=1 At=28.0     Ap=19.0   Rc=1.2 /
 &pot kp=2 At=31.0     Ap=16.0   Rc=1.35
           V=31.20  rv=1.45    av=0.47    W=15.10   rw=1.270   aw=0.310
           Vso=0.75 rso=1.24    aso=0.37 /
 &pot kp=3 At=19.0     Rc=1.25    ac=0.65
           V=115.00 rv=1.250   av=0.650 Vso=6.30 rso=1.25    aso=0.650 /
 &pot kp=4 At=31.0     Rc=1.25    ac=0.65 V=99.000 rv=1.250   av=0.650
           Vso=6.30 rso=1.25    aso=0.650 /
 &pot kp=5 At=28.0     Rc=1.2
           V=27.00  rv=2.42452 av=0.460   W=11.66   rw=2.14456 aw=0.238 /
 &pot kp=6 At=28.0     Rc=1.25    ac=0.65
           V=160.00 rv=1.07    av=0.72    W=37.0    rw=1.35    aw=0.88
           Vso=10.0 rso=0.85    aso=0.850 /
 &pot  /
 &OVERLAP kn1=1 ic1=1 ic2=2 in=1 kind=0 nn=4 l=0 sn=.5 j=0.5 kbpot=3 be=11.73 isc=1 /
 &OVERLAP kn1=2 ic1=1 ic2=2 in=2 kind=0 nn=4 l=0 sn=.5 j=0.5 kbpot=4 be=17.899 isc=1 /
 &OVERLAP kn1=3 ic1=1 ic2=2 in=1 kind=0 nn=3 l=2 sn=.5 j=2.5 kbpot=3 be=11.53 isc=1 /
 &overlap /
 &COUPLING icto=2   icfrom=1   kind=7 ip1=0 ip2=0 ip3=0/
 &cfp     in=1   ib=1   ia=1   kn=1  a=1.00 /
 &cfp     in=1   ib=2   ia=1   kn=3  a=1.00 /
 &cfp     in=2   ib=1   ia=1   kn=2  a=1.00 /
 &cfp     /
 &COUPLING icto=1   icfrom=2   kind=3 ip1=4 ip2=1 ip3=0 kfrag=6 kcore=5/