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The definition of the KIND=1 spin transfer couplings is not given
in the Computer Physics Reports article, so in versions after March 1998 these
are redefined for IP3=0 or 1, and new Racah algebra factors included.
We want to calculate the coupling interactions of the monopole operator
, where sp is the spin transfer of the
projectile Ip, st is the spin transfer of the
target It, and
is the orbital angular momentum transfer.
These coupled operators are defined following in Bohr & Mottelson, Vol.
1, section 1A-5c, as
(1) |
applied for the case of
and Gst=st.
The overall
operator is a monopole (scalar), for which the tensor
product is thus of the kind
(2) |
This differs from common definitions (eg of Satchler) by a factor of
Reduced matrix elements are defined everywhere in FRESCO by:
(3) |
The matrix elements of this operator are
In using KIND=1 couplings with IP3=0, the first line of these factors is generated automatically.
The product of the
reduced matrix elements for the intrinsic nuclear states,
has to be included explicitly in the factor FSCALE,
or in the radial form factors.
The radial shapes have to be read in using Cards 16.7.
With IP3=2, implying jlmP input for target-only couplings,
- the projectile diagonal reduced matrix element
is supplied by Fresco,
- the factor
is omitted above,
- and an additional symmetric factor of
is supplied to allow the
monopole radial form factors to have their physical
values for any target spin.
- The forward and reverse form factors should be identical for Hermitian couplings.
With IP3=3, implying a similar input for projectile-only couplings,
- the target diagonal reduced matrix element
is supplied by Fresco,
- the factor
is omitted above,
- and an additional symmetric factor of
is supplied to allow the monopole radial form factors to have their physical
values for any target spin.
The forward and reverse form factors should be identical for Hermitian couplings.
Next: Appendix VI : Search
Up: Fresco
Previous: Appendix IV : FORTRAN
Ian Thompson