&CDCC namelist
hcm, rmatch, rintp, hnl, rnl, centre, rsp, iter, pset, llmax, dry,
rasym, accrcy, switch, ajswtch, sinjmax, cutl, cutr, cutc,
absend, jtmin, jump, jbord, nnu, rmatr, nrbases, nrbmin, pralpha, pcon, meigs,
listcc, smats, veff, chans, xstabl, thmin, thmax, thinc,
smallchan, smallcoup, melfil, nosol, cdetr, numnode, treneg,
nlpl, trans, pel, exl, cdccc, qscale, pade, kfus,
elab, lab, lin, lex,
hktarg, ncoul, reor, pauli, nk,
q, ipc, iscgs, ipcgs, hat, remnant, postprior, quasi,
sumform, qc, la, static, expand, maxcoup
are all the same as the &FRESCO namelist, except for:
cdccc which is an alias for cdcc of Card 5,
q = ip1, multiple for the projectile single-particle couplings,
ncoul = ip2, selecting nuclear and/or coulomb,
reor = ip3, selecting diagonal and/or off-diagonal couplings,
qc = ip4, for the deformed core potential multipoles,
la = ip5,
for the new multipole orders with formfactor reduction,
hat (logical, default T) to use mean bin energies (otherwise midpoint),
quasi: if assigned, set all channel energies as if for this projectile
energy (eg -be for adiabatic),
iscgs,ipcgs = isc,ipc (card 13) for the projectile ground state wave
elab = ELAB(1), just the one projectile lab energy,
hktarg = target value of h.K, where h=HCM and K is the elastic wave number.
(default hktarg=0.2).
If HCM=0 on Card 1,
then h is calculated from elab and hktarg.
sumform determines the bin formfactor reductions
(default 2 if there are any kind=3 bin states, else 0):
= 0 : no formfactor reduction:
= 1 : formfactors summed into new multipole
= 2 : formfactors summed into composite projectile state:
This is not allowed if have spin-orbit or transfer couplings, and
sumform=1 will be set in these cases.
If have no cc bins, then K multipoles truncated using ip1=q.
If have cc bins and =qc=ip4 and
=la=ip5 are unset, then
q sets the maximum multipole order of
, and
all possible values of
are used that couple to
If qc and la are both set, then control each multipole
q = , ip1 set in usual way
ip4=qc = .
ip5=la =
maximum order for new
Note: will always run from
trans determines the number of transfer partitions:
= 0 : no transfers: no E(jectile) or R(esidue)
< 0 : only R(esidue): the Ejectile and Core are identical
> 0 : both E(jectile) and R(esidue) independently of Core nucleus.
postprior = ip1 for finite-range transfer couplings,
remnant = ip2 for finite-range transfer couplings,
pauli = attempted Pauli blocking using non-orthogonality couplings.
&NUCLEUS namelist
where this card is repeated for each part beginning P: projectile, C:
core, V: valence, T: target, E: ejectile, R: residue. The number of nuclei
(4, 5 or 6) depends on trans: see above.
name,mass,charge as name, mass, zp/t on Card 6,
spin,parity as Jp/t, Bandp/t on Card 7.
be,n,l,j,ia,a,kind,lmax,nch prescribe the projectile P bound state,
and with transfers also for residue R.
nce is the number of Core excited states.
If nce>0, then read that number of &CORESTATES namelists.
&CORESTATES namelist: spin,parity,ex
for spin, parity () and excitation energy of each Core
state above the ground state.
&BIN namelist
spin,parity, step,start,end,energy, n,l,j,isc,ipc, kind,lmax,nch,ia,il,ampl
These are repeated until an empty &BIN namelist is encountered
Each bin set has the same spin, parity, l, j, isc, ipc, kind, lmax, nch, ia,
il, ampl, but a different energy.
The energy range is divided into (end-start)/step bins.
If energy then these are evenly spaced in energy, else they
are evenly spaced in momentum
Changing or starting partial waves is equivalent to start= 0.001.
The values of lmax, nch, ia, il are only needed coupled channels bins
kind=3, with il being the channel number of the incoming partial wave,
which, if il=0, is defined as the channel with quantum numbers
l, j and ia. The array ampl gives overall multiplicative
spectroscopic amplitudes to the bin. The values of isc, ipc, kind, lmax
have the same meaning as in Card 13, with j an alias for jn.
If l,j,ia are not set then kind=3 coupled-channels bins are generated
using lmax, for all incoming waves. Setting il will select an
incoming channel.
&POTENTIAL namelist
part, a1, a2, rc, ac, v, vr0, a, w, wr0, aw,
wd, wdr0, awd, vso, rso0, aso, shape, freal, fimag,
vsot, rsot0, asot, l, parity, nosub, itt,
beta2, beta3, idef, beta2c, beta3c, beta2m, beta3m
where this card is repeated for each part beginning
P: projectile-target optical potential, C: core-target optical potential,
V: valence-target optical potential,
T: projectile (C+V) ground state,
B: projectile channels not containing the ground state,
T: transfer channel optical potential,
E: ejectile bound state, R: residue bound state.
Different part=B(in) potentials may be defined depending on parity
or partial wave l.
nosub means that the P(rojectile) optical potential is added to
the CDCC couplings as a diagonal in all projectile state channels.
For deformations, beta2m, beta3m are the nuclear fractional
deformations, and beta2c, beta3c are the Coulomb equivalents (both with default
values beta2, beta3 respectively).
The Coulomb and nuclear deformations may also be restricted by idef:
= 0 : Coulomb & nuclear (complex)
= 1 : nuclear (complex) only
= 2 : Coulomb only
Sample CDCC input file:
11Be+4He spdf; 1+5*10+2*5 chs 0-10 MeV, q=0-3 2200 MeV, 30/100 fm CDCC &CDCC hcm=0 rmatch=-30 absend=-50 rasym=100 accrcy=0.001 elab=2200 jbord= 0 60 200 2500 jump = 4 5 20 thmax=30 thinc=.05 smats=2 xstabl=1 cutr=-10 cutc=0 nk=50 ncoul=0 reor=0 q=3 / &NUCLEUS part='Proj' name='11Be' spin=0.5 parity=+1 be = 0.500 n=2 l=0 j=0.5 / &NUCLEUS part='Core' name='10Be' charge=4 mass=10 / &NUCLEUS part='Valence' name='neutron' charge=0 mass=1 spin=0.5/ &NUCLEUS part='Target' name='4He' charge=2 mass=4 / &BIN spin=0.5 parity=+1 step=0.5 end=10. energy=F l=0 j=0.5/ &BIN spin=0.5 parity=-1 step=0.5 end=10. energy=F l=1 j=0.5/ &BIN spin=1.5 parity=-1 step=0.5 end=10. energy=F l=1 j=1.5/ &BIN spin=1.5 parity=+1 step=1.0 end=10. energy=F l=2 j=1.5/ &BIN spin=2.5 parity=+1 step=1.0 end=10. energy=F l=2 j=2.5/ &BIN spin=2.5 parity=-1 step=2.0 end=10. energy=F l=3 j=2.5/ &BIN spin=3.5 parity=-1 step=2.0 end=10. energy=F l=3 j=3.5/ &BIN / &POTENTIAL part='Proj' a1=11 a2=4 rc=1.0 / &POTENTIAL part='Core' a1=10 a2=4 rc=1.0 V=46.92 vr0=1.204 a=0.53 W=23.46 wr0=1.328 aw=0.53 / &POTENTIAL part='Valence' a1=4 rc=1.3 V=37.14 vr0=1.17 a=0.75 W=8.12 wr0=1.26 aw=0.58 / &POTENTIAL part='Gs' a1=10 v=51.51 vr0=1.39 a=.52 vso=0.38 rso0=1.39 aso=0.52/ &POTENTIAL part='Bi' a1=10 v=28.38 vr0=1.39 a=.52 vso=0.38 rso0=1.39 aso=0.52/