FRESCO is a Coupled-Channels program that can have finite-range transfer interactions among any number of mass partitions, and any number of nuclear excitations in each partition.
This is accomplished by calculating and storing the kernels of the non-local interactions, and then solving the coupled-channels set iteratively. At each iteration the stored kernels are used to integrate the wave functions to generate the source terms for the next iteration. Pade approximants can be used if the iterations diverge because of strong couplings.
The program can also generate local couplings for the rotational or single-particle excitations of either the projectile or the target in any partition, the local form factors for zero-range or local-energy-approximation can also be used. These various local interactions may also be included iteratively (to give multistep DWBA), or alternatively the first few coupled channels may be blocked together and solved by exact coupled-channels methods.
Special treatment is provided for any long ranged Coulomb multipoles, using James Christley's coupled-Coulomb functions CRCWFN, and interpolation in partial waves is also possible.
The nonlocal kernels for single-particle transfers are calculated first
at a much smaller number of interpolation points,
and then expanded when necessary to calculate the source terms by
The new variable MTMIN in the FRT version controls the method used to
calculate the form factors of the transfer kernels. If the L-transfer value
(estimated by
is larger than or equal to MTMIN, then the m-dependent expressions for the
spherical harmonics are used explicitly.
Otherwise, the
angular dependencies of the initial and final transfer states
are transformed into those of the channel variables Ri & Rf using
Moshinsky's solid-harmonic transformation, as given for example
Austern et al. Phys. Rev. 133 pp B 3 - 16.
By careful control of the numerical approximations, the second method can
be extended to find heavy-ion transfer form factors, but the maximum
transferred angular momentum L is still limited by numerical cancellation
errors arising from the finite roundoff errors in the computer.
With 8-byte word lengths, the unit roundoff is approximately 10-15,
and this limits the transferred L to 6 or less, so the default value
of MTMIN is set to 6. The Moshinsky method is much faster when it is
accurate, so the default value of MTMIN has been set as high as practical.
A general description of the formalisms used is given in I.J. Thompson, Coupled Reaction Channels Calculations in Nuclear Physics, Computer Physics Reports, 7 (1988) pp 167 - 212.